Reservation Policy

Dress code

Our dining atmosphere is casual and comfortable. To reflect this environment, we maintain a formal dress code. To keep with our International standards of dining we ask that you, our guests, dress in a suitable manner to fit your memorable dining experience.

No exposed undergarments, or excessively baggy or oversized clothing. Clothing should not exhibit offensive language or offensive graphics. Guests wearing ball caps will be asked to dine in Rosa’s restaurant and wear their hats with the bill facing forward. Other more formal head attire such as cowboy hats and fedoras are allowed in the main dining room.


〒600−8334 京都府京都市下京区西若松町247−3
TEL : 050-3183-7676

ランチ 12:00~15:00  ( 13:00 最終入店)
ディナー 18:00~22:00 ( 19:00 最終入店)
定休日 火曜日+不定休あり
